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Account Rebuild

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So both of my accounts got banned before I even got a chance to apply.

I really contemplated quitting rs again but fuck it, you never really quit Runescape right?

So instead of starting over and grinding the normal way, I decided I'll try to be as efficient about it as possible so I don't end up getting a psychotic break doing the exact same grind I just finished.

Therefore I decided I'm gonna try to speed run b gloves and ds2, thought it would be fun to update you guys with it and I'm gonna aim to have b gloves completed within 24 hours of in game time. 

I'm using this speed run guide from the current record holder, it'll probably be useful to some of you as well. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D-nwzh8yhiWDY31a9pIwhuD0q4y58l73TRWfWI-GFS4/edit#gid=824432140

I have all the items bought on an alt account, but currently haven't decided if im gonna log (instead of banking) and bank on the alt to save time or if that will get too tedious, we'll see.

Anyway ill update the thread when I get some actual progress.



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2 minutes ago, Dianabol said:

I really contemplated quitting rs again but fuck it, you never really quit Runescape right?

this is true actually haha.

would be intrested to see if you can do it, are you planning on vidding it?


- Ben

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Hello dianabol,

Sad to hear about the bans and you wanting to join us.

All tho I'm looking forward to hear about your progress on the new account.


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35 minutes ago, Berserker said:

this is true actually haha.

would be intrested to see if you can do it, are you planning on vidding it?


- Ben

I really cbf vidding, ill just take some screenshots, maybe ill vid the last part when I actually finish it

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oof shit, goodluck with those grinds tho :) 

its easier once you done it more times in a row :D

and i can know that lmao been ther myself also haha

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Gl with your rebuild bro :)

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gl etc

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GL, we have all been there atleast once

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Gl rebuilding!

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gl rebuilding man

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https://imgur.com/6L0uWqY - 74qp in around 8 hours, almost half way there in a day.

Busy this weekend though, but looking to have b gloves on sunday evening maybe

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