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Range Tank Vet'ion

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As some of you know my range tank i am training up is also my main. I want to do all PVM content on him also, along with having a viable pvp build for masses. I have found alternative ways to do KQ and Corp using magic but can't really think of an effective way to do Vet'ion if I wanted to grind for the pet. Any range tanks find a decent method of killing Vet'ion? Best suggestion I have gotten from the CC is to use either Craw's bow or viggora's chainmace. Give me your thoughts!

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if you know how to use the safespot, it's really easy.


i'd suggest using the chainmace over range, but thats just my opinion.



if you want me to show you, add me on disc Ben #2720

i'll reply when i have the time :) 

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Chainmace on defensive , craws is shit since it has defense level of 395 and 200 range defense bonus vs -10 crush defense bonus.

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Chainmace seems to be the consensus. 

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Chainmace put it's not very efficient. One of the few bosses that suck for range tanks

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2 hours ago, Berserker said:

if you know how to use the safespot, it's really easy.


i'd suggest using the chainmace over range, but thats just my opinion.



if you want me to show you, add me on disc Ben #2720

i'll reply when i have the time :) 

sweet. I currently am not in any position to kill Vet'ion right now. Just thinking ahead about issues ill likely have as I level my tank and do pvm.
From what everyone is saying it seems Chainmace really is the only viable option. What about magic? like using a staff of deaf, occult, tormented brace, tome of fire and fire surge? 

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45 minutes ago, Nelane said:

sweet. I currently am not in any position to kill Vet'ion right now. Just thinking ahead about issues ill likely have as I level my tank and do pvm.
From what everyone is saying it seems Chainmace really is the only viable option. What about magic? like using a staff of deaf, occult, tormented brace, tome of fire and fire surge? 

I wouldn't, it's multi combat so teams come around every 10-30 minutes, melee is the most viable option at Vet'ion.

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Melee gear you would actually take into the wild

Bis mage gear (which you wouldnt take into the wild)

Bis range gear (wouldnt take into the wild)

So yea chain-mace wins by a long shot + just noticed I didn't even turn on melee prayers for the mace.

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1 hour ago, under constr said:

Melee gear you would actually take into the wild

Bis mage gear (which you wouldnt take into the wild)

Bis range gear (wouldnt take into the wild)

So yea chain-mace wins by a long shot + just noticed I didn't even turn on melee prayers for the mace.

dang bro did you pull this info from a website or some sort of Calc? i must know!

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19 minutes ago, under constr said:

calling you a legend would be an understatement!! TY TY

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