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3rd party clients becoming bannable?

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Ban the autoswticher lmao 

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Exilent needs banned fr.

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i always used Runeloader, and i'm using Runelite now.


it's not that i don't like playing on the normal client, it's just much more efficient with all the calculators etc


OT: i think autoswitching, zulrah helper etc is way to op, and i'm not sure why you'd like to play like that.. It's not even an achievement getting a kill.. 

Also, B0aty mentioned that alot of people don't enjoy the game anymore, and see it as a job to get max EHP and i agree with that.


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Some features are a little OP for sure 

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only certain scripts should be banned tbh unless jagex plans to make their own client much better

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Osbuddy set the limit for OP gainz, Runelite pushed it. Exilent is just pretty much the same as Runelite but for pking mainly. 


Runelite is OP for skilling/pvm, Exilent is OP for pking. 

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On 2/6/2019 at 7:56 AM, Herkules said:

so.. i heard that osrs team was discussing about 3rd party clients becoming possibly bannable. what are your thought about this? will it affect you greatly or are you more happy about this for people actually having to learn to play the game? (little provocation xd) tell your thoughts in comment section.

I am guilty of being one of the noobs who relies on 3rd party clients. With that said I use exilent and runelite exclusively because ill be damned if somebody else has an unfair advantage over me that ISNT bannable. Now if they make it bannable sure some ppl will risk a ban to have the advantage, but I wont. I will be fine with that scenario because ppl having all the OP plugins can be punished and i wont feel the NEED to do what they do just to level the playing field.

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