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Leveling my Zerk

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I have a quick question. Im pretty nearing my quest requirements being done to complete all quest i just need a few more levels into like 3 skills and im done like 2 more mining levels, 5 thieveing levels, and 13 agility levels and 175 quest points. Originally i was going to wait to get my defense up until i was ready to be a zerk. Which ment i was only gonna do all the quests a 1 defense pure would do until i get my strength to 90 and finish getting my mage to 94. But somebody in game told me waiting until i got 94 mage and 90 strength to convert into my zerk was gonna making my training take longer because i would be losing out on all the bonuses i would get from leveling from lack of decent gear. What are your guys opinion. Am i better off just waiting. I cant pk as 1def in between converting to my zerk because im on mobile i don't own a pc to be going out pking atm.

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1 minute ago, zerkerpure45 said:

I have a quick question. Im pretty nearing my quest requirements being done to complete all quest i just need a few more levels into like 3 skills and im done like 2 more mining levels, 5 thieveing levels, and 13 agility levels and 175 quest points. Originally i was going to wait to get my defense up until i was ready to be a zerk. Which ment i was only gonna do all the quests a 1 defense pure would do until i get my strength to 90 and finish getting my mage to 94. But somebody in game told me waiting until i got 94 mage and 90 strength to convert into my zerk was gonna making my training take longer because i would be losing out on all the bonuses i would get from leveling from lack of decent gear. What are your guys opinions.  I cant pk as 1def in between converting to my zerk because im on mobile i don't own a pc to be going out pking atm. I think it would probably beneficial to get my bonuses for leveling up since im stuck on mobile and cant pk anyway, but at the same time i don't want to make the wrong decision and ruin my account.


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I would go ahead and get the defense out of the way now, for all those gear bonuses. 

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might as well just get all the questing done then train

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Honestly, if you know you're making a zerk it's best to get all the gear/quests out of the way so the training/maxing out stats will be loads fastest since you'd have defence/better gear/unlocked areas etc...

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Why would you not want to get the str bonuses available from torso and b helm?

or range bonuses from void

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Questing over anything

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Prob best to get it out of the way early, the bonusses will be well worth it.

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wish i had the time to make another account lol

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Yeah, I’d finish questing your account. There’s really no reason in keeping it 1 defense. (I just converted my maxed 60 attack pure into a zerk). Finish the quests and get those bonuses!

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