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no way back.. we going main!

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na just kidding, only going for 85 prayer :P

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idiot man @Jasper got me there for a second.

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Epic buildddddd bro, hope to see you go maxed med build for our scene :) so we can have some beastly 112s in here

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huge gamer

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4 hours ago, Berserker said:

idiot man @Jasper got me there for a second.

hehe :D  

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3 hours ago, Sybren said:

Epic buildddddd bro, hope to see you go maxed med build for our scene :) so we can have some beastly 112s in here

as soon i got the cash for 99, il get it done :)

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75 def, u already main brah

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40 minutes ago, Marc said:

75 def, u already main brah

its called med ;)

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