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Range Tank PVM

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I am wanting to build my account into a maxed range tank and later apply to join the clan. Is there any bosses that a range tank CANT do? I understand possibly being less efficient than melee in some instances but Is there any bosses it is impossible to do? I dont want to limit my account from PVM content by making this clanning/pvp build :D 

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pretty sure tanks can do any pvm they want really

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i can't help you with that, since i've always played a maxed zerk.

but what @HeadofDemon i guess all range bosses are easy, not sure about stuff like bandos ( should be possible to, maybe not as efficient )

love to hear the input from some great tanks.


@under constr help this man out! :)



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You can pretty much do all bosses I believe. It's just as any build-limited account, you have to do certain bosses less efficient while you can do some more efficiently than zerks/meds. So every downside has its upside.

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Not sure but would love to know as well since I'm a range tank :) 

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4 hours ago, Thomas said:

You can pretty much do all bosses I believe. It's just as any build-limited account, you have to do certain bosses less efficient while you can do some more efficiently than zerks/meds. So every downside has its upside.


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Alright thank you everyone for you input!


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if you got a t bow and a blowpipe you can pretty much do all bosses with maxed "efficiency" 

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OSRS is ranged biased

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You can do all bosses, bawv does tob and Cox on his, only one I thought was a little annoying was kalphite queen but in max gear on task with melee on defence you can still get 60+ bgs specs off and big bludgeon hits due to piety

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