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A new page in my RS career

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Been putting a lot of thought into going med so i decided to turn my maxed 50 atk pure into a med


Goals are...

60 Attack

75 Defence

77 Prayer

Rigour unlock

Augury unlock

Piety unlock

90 Herblore 

90 Farming

Monkey Madness 2

Dragon Slayer 2


This grind is going to take awhile but is going to be worth it ill update the progress along the way.





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you won't regret it bro, med lvls are such a fun and versatile build. GL on the grind! 

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15 minutes ago, Siege said:

you won't regret it bro, med lvls are such a fun and versatile build. GL on the grind! 

Thanks bro i had one but i ended up selling to a buddy who is joining veng soon so now to start from scratch and enjoy the grind!

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thats a nice pure tho 



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First he maxed a sexy zerk, now he's about to get the dream med. MA GOD


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Good luck on the change my guy!

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goodluck man! keep us posted, always love a progress topic :)

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I got your back I'm going med as well

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Gl Mr buckshot.

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GL! Make sure to plan out 60 attack with questing or else you will get 61 from the knights training. 

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