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best pker in OSRS?

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in your opinion who is the best pker in OSRS? imo I gotta give it to my boy dbolt but I really only know the good pure brids not so familiar with people who are good on other builds. whos your pick? post a vid of them below

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I always thought Amenity was pretty darn good across all account builds

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1 minute ago, Bjuj said:

I always thought Amenity was pretty darn good across all account builds

yea he is very good, hard to fight him imo he has an odd style always slaps tf out of me lmfao

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My brain can’t keep up with his switches haha 

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damn those clicks are insane!

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wish i had a vid of myself in the rare moment i dont plank, hands down best multi zerk

On a serious note, swede badass

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3 hours ago, Buckshot said:

damn those clicks are insane!

yea this kid is a god 

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Don’t be modest Robert you’re #1 to me 

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You gotta love those switches.

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i tend to watch alot of twitch pker's and came across this guy a month or two ago. He has almost impossible clicks it seems like, and claims to play on 7.6k dpi. He rarely streams but has multiple accounts which I've yet to see him die on any. Check him out if you get a chance!


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my homie Blakpn0y

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