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best pker in OSRS?

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45 minutes ago, Roffa said:

my homie Blakpn0y

Hahhhaha if 10 tick 4 ways were the pinnacle 

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1yna or 1013

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16 hours ago, Connor said:

1yna or 1013

Fl fanboys be like

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16 hours ago, Connor said:

1yna or 1013

Fl fanboys be like

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18 minutes ago, Wolf12433 said:

Fl fanboys be like

who do you think is the best mikey :lol:

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He obv thinks you're the best Connor B)

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16 hours ago, Connor said:

who do you think is the best mikey :lol:

You obviously❤️ @Bjuj knows

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Monni is best no doubt.

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I am Wtf

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think 1013 or bikers just cuz of their click accuracy and speed.

Tend to win a lot of NH stakes too

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On 12/31/2018 at 1:31 PM, Siege said:

yea he is very good, hard to fight him imo he has an odd style always slaps tf out of me lmfao


Yeah I literally cannot fight him on my level 74 pure when he is on his level 73. He isn't as hard to fight on his med level though. 

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