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ToB Soloing, Mizi style

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holy shit nice solos thats nuts

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Well I did some number crunching and it seems there is going to be an issue doing enough damage during p2 35% if I'm only melee smacking everything. I see 2 solutions to this stage.

1) I need a scythe, mizi starts on the same side as spooky when fighting the red spider. Mizi will hit the spider until it is dead and then switch to verzik. Spooky will hit the spider exactly 4 times, being late on attacks will count towards this 4 so in actuality it could be less hits if I mess up. After this Spooky will cross under verzik (she won't be attacking yet) and then hit the lone spider until it is dead. With this strategy there are going to be times when Spooky gets unlucky and the spider has a high amount of HP remaining, when this happens Spooky will get a final blow with a Dhally spec to help mitigate this risk. If the opposite happens and Spooky gets lucky with her hits she will switch to a blessed sara sword to hit the boss. I'd like to think this strat is possible without a scythe, but not having it kind of ruins the point of soloing because this part will quite litteraly take twice as long on average; it simply just isn't going to go as fast and furious as I would want it to and I'm going to be doing a lot of repetitive junk if Mizi is whipping.

2) This is a true challenge of my technical skills. I would be controlling all of my accounts with this strategy; this is optimal because this removes the guaranteed death on my pure; even though its harder then the above strategy I don't need to farm a scythe to do it, so I'm inclined to want to do this one. So right now I input 1 action per tick, controlling each account for 2 ticks. This strategy would be controlling each account for 2 ticks as well, except that the ticks I control the accounts on would overlap meaning I have to input actions roughly twice as fast and it would also have to be extremely precise. as I am litteraly, within 1 tick, going to have to move my mouse across clients and click exactly where I want to on both clients for 2 consecutive ticks every 4 ticks. Let me try and write it out.

Method 1:

Note that Mizi is standing next to Verzik and steps away right before Verzik can Melee while Spooky stands away from Verzik and only steps into melee range for 1 tick

Verzik Attacks: 

Attack Idle Idle Idle

Mizi Attacks: 

InputAttack Idle Idle Inputstepaway

Spooky Attacks: 

Idle InputAttack Inputstepaway Idle

My Inputs:

InputAttackMiziclient InputAttackSpookyclient InputstepawaySpookyclient InputstepawayMiziclient

Method 2:

Note that Mizi is standing next to Verzik and steps away right before Verzik can Melee while Spooky and Pearl stands away from Verzik and only steps into melee range for 1 tick

Verzik Attacks:

Attack Idle Idle Idle

Mizi Attacks:

InputAttack Idle Idle Inputstepaway

Pearl Attacks:

InputAttack Inputstepaway Idle Idle

Spooky Attack:

Idle InputAttack InputStepaway Idle


My Inputs:

ticks 1 - [InputAttackMiziclient -> InputAttackPearlclient] tick 2 - [InputstepawayPearlclient -> InputAttackSpookyclient] tick 3 - [InputstepawaySpookyclient] tick 4 - [InputstepawayMiziclient]

The difficulty of these inputs is not too different from 1ticking. The difference is that if I mess up I get punished horribly, I have to do 2 '1ticks' in a row, the placement of where I have to click is more variable than it is in 1ticking (when you 1tick your first click is in your invo and your second is on your target. you can setup your invo so you know exactly where to click without thinking about it. I have to be a little more considerate of exactly what I'm doing), and I have to continuously perform this for exactly half of the ticks during P2 which might fatigue my fingers. I've already proven to myself in just a couple hours that I can easily pull off the double micro account method consistently given a little more practice; why waste hours of time farming the money for a scythe when I could spend maybe 10-20 hours mastering this much more rewarding method and then get a solo scythe. Hopefully the next time I post in here it will be a video of me microing 3 accounts at the same time, if not well... I guess I'm going to have to do a lot of boring regular ToB... T.T


Edited by Mizi

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nice solo's.. 

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nice strats, I'm guessing you're very familiar with all the mechanics but if you need any tips then drop me a line

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unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to find the time to just sit down and practice tech for now; it's quite boring and not a great way to spend my free time. I have been getting back into ToB with groups of people and I'm almost up to scratch after shaking off a couple weeks of rust, minus not having a scythe. I think if I want to make this ever happen I'm going to have to go at it in a different angle, one that is more fun. I'm almost ready to start playing on two accounts at the same time, and I can do this with a group of good players. It benefits everybody because it might not raise the chance of a unique but it does speed up the raid (assuming I don't die during verzik). I already have the timing down for microing two accounts on P2 verzik; once I get the precision clicks down I'll be set (doesn't matter when I click if it's in the wrong spot). I've already tried microing in the first room a couple times, it went about as good as you would expect. On my first try I died about halfway through on one account because the blood just decimated both my accounts, let alone the fact I was not freezing the red spiders. On my second try I hardly got hit by the blood but I still died at the end because I ran out of brews one one account (and I froze like 3 or 4 waves of spiders, letting in way more than I'm supposed to). Once I get a convincing performance I'll post it here with some pictures. 

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