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60 or 75 attack zerk

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Do you guys think its worth the 5 extra combat levels to get 60-75 attack on a 45 def zerk?

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For multi and pvm yeah edge idk being lower level and dicking on pures is fun

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i do a lot of nh briding around black chins and rev cave entrance so i end up fighting a bunch of higher lvl accs. any time i fight some one with 70+ def i feel like my dds is useless

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In addition to what Chris said, if you fight deep, I'd get the 75 att cuz you'd still be able to attack pures and you might stand a chance against mains if you get a KO opportunity. If you want to prioritize edge/pvp world pking, stick to 60 attack. If you're looking to join Vengeance, definitely train attack.

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If it’s just a bh account keep it 60 atk as claws are just as op as ags for bh



If I want good variety and want to get into multi and bh is go 75



I’ve been 60 , 75, and 99


All 3 are fun and you can’t really go wrong

Edited by Avidius

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unless you want to fight pures in 1v1 all the time, then yes 75 is worth it for sure :)

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thanks i think you guys sold me on 75 att

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75 atk, it's bettter to hit with AGS =P  However, my zerk has 99 Atk and I love it lmao.

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If it’s just a bh account keep it 60 atk as claws are just as op as ags for bh



If I want good variety and want to get into multi and bh is go 75



I’ve been 60 , 75, and 99


All 3 are fun and you can’t really go wrong

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99atk or go home

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I've been debating this myself, I may wait a couple more months.

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