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~ You're All Invited... ~

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5 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to attend my 99 Slayer Party?

  2. 2. Would you like to attend the clan Opening Event for Rune Havoc?

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Hey, everyone! 



Long time, no talk. It feels like it's been eons since I've been around this neck of the woods.


How've you been doing?!



The passed year has come with many, many ups and an equal, if not more, downs in my life. But I have come through, and healed, continuing my journey that has been awaiting me from the very beginning.


I am finally excited to share a new chapter with all of you, especially, since everyone from V1 remembers my love for Runecrafting and Slayer.



So, with that said, I would like to take the time to invite you to a couple of upcoming events that have been a very long-time coming.


Firstly, you're all invited to come to my 99 Slayer party. Details below.








Secondly, I'd love to invite you all to my clan's Opening Event.

I have kept this all secret for four months and it feels like a relief to finally be able to talk about it! All details below.







I'll tell you a little bit about the clan. (Just a tiny bit, just so you know about what I've been working on for the passed year.) This is also not clan advertising or recruitment. 


What is Rune Havoc?

We are a Community Clan for zerkers by zerkers. Specifically, aimed at giving rune pures a place to come chill and slay.


There are many different PvM clans that currently exist, but all require over 100 combat, and a lot of rune pures do not have or meet that requirement.


For some of us, Slayer takes up a large portion of what we do aside from clanning events, or PvP activities in other clans. It also forces us to go solo.


However, that is no more. In Rune Havoc, rune pures will have the choice to do solitary Slayer or to join up in teams. The chance to form bossing buddies, or simply being able to discuss strategies and bond over the inconveniences that some of us rune pures have.


Just a note:

Please keep in mind that I recognise that there is a community already in place here. What I am trying to allow is the ability for rune pures to have a place to go when they are not pking, or in a clanning or team setting. A place of in between. A niche pvm community for rune pures.


Rune Havoc will benefit many rune pures and zerkers in the Old School RuneScape community, and will allow the merge and blend of both pkers and pvmers. There is a lot of positives to both. The clan allows multi-clanning, so it will not take away from anything that is already in place in Vengeance, or any other Rune Pure, Ranged Tank and Med clans that are recruiting members.


We are currently supported by 30-40 people. If you would like more information, I can answer all of your questions below or in private.


Again, I am not recruiting. I would like to clarify that this clan is building a community and is not interested in just anyone who applies and is a rune pure. We want kind, mature, caring, chill people, and if you love Slayer, and want to partake in the community, that's sweeeet.


Community clans have a more relaxed manner, and do not have the same expectations and demands as what pking clans do. So, we will never ask or force anything on anyone, this is all by choice of the individual. 


We're all homies, and homies stick together, right?  B)




Now, with all that said, the graphic above is for anyone who would like to come out, and have some fun and great time after my 99 Slayer Party.


It truly is open for everyone and anyone! All account builds welcome: Mains, meds, ranged tanks, rune pures and zerkers, and pures. The FFA event will be a ton of fun!! There are currently approximately 50 RVSP'd guests that will be attending the Opening Event.





If you'd like to RVSP to the events I've listed above, just let me know if you're interested to attend in a reply below and in the poll above.


If you cannot make it to both, please be specific of which event and send me a PM of your RSN so I can add it to my VIP list(s) and the Clan Opening draw. (You will be placed in the draw even after today, July 15th.)



For those of you who are not interested in attending neither one of the events, thank you for taking your interest to read about my goals and plans. That means so much to me and is very appreciated!



Thanks again for reading this long post. I posted in the Goals & Achievements because I feel like both of these are long-term achievements. I have been wanting to establish a clan for approximately 13 years, so it feels good to have finally been able to say I have gotten here.


It additionally felt nice to make a post on these forums, too! Vengeance will always be a second home to me!



I do hope some of you would like to come join, I think it'll be a blast!  :)




Your friend, and former Proud Member,



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Hey Lotty! Long time no see! GL with your clan, best wishes, and Im glad to see you are still going strong with your old goals!

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Hello Lotty! it's been a while, glad you're doing ok! 


if i can find the time, i'll deffo be there :)


goodluck with your clan, i'm sure you'll do just fine!


- Ben

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Hey Lotty! Long time no see! GL with your clan, best wishes, and Im glad to see you are still going strong with your old goals!


Hey there, Trouserdevil! It really does seem like forever. 


And thank you so much!! That means a lot to me.


Yes! I definitely am still going strong with everything. Just livin' the dream.  ;)


These are my stats right now:




I hope all is going well with you. It's nice to hear from you.




Hello Lotty! it's been a while, glad you're doing ok! 


if i can find the time, i'll deffo be there :)


goodluck with your clan, i'm sure you'll do just fine!


- Ben


Hey Ben! It certainly has been.


Yeah! Sometimes, life has to get messy in order to get better, right? I feel like that's how it went for me.


How about you? Have you been doing well?


Woohoo! I'm happy to hear that you want to join. I'll add you to my VIP lists accordingly! 


And thank you!! It's been a great adventure thus far, and I'm excited to see where it goes.




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Hello Lotty :)


Nice to see you again and great to hear about the community you're making.

We're still at it as you can see, slowly but surely building a strong core.


I wish you the best of luck and if you need any help, advise or just a talk hit me up.

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Hello Lotty :)


Nice to see you again and great to hear about the community you're making.

We're still at it as you can see, slowly but surely building a strong core.


I wish you the best of luck and if you need any help, advise or just a talk hit me up.


Hey there, Sybren.


It's nice to see you again, too!


Thank you so much! It's been a work-in-progress for a very, very long time. I have been wanting to establish a clan since Vengeance closed around a year and a half ago, but I didn't really know the kind or type of community that I wanted. After seeing what types of clans are available to Old School RuneScape in the passed three years, I have noticed that there is a huge gap in the community when it came to low level combat PvM-type communities, especially for rune pures.


Most PvM clans are made for mains, and don't take rune pures in very often, and even if they do, I'm sure you know what to expect. Most don't understand rune pures, or what they can truly take on, except for the mains that used to be rune pures. 


I am inspired to show the Old School RuneScape community that I have a place in this game, even though I have very dissimilar goals to what most rune pures and zerkers desire. I feel like this will help the rune pures that feel out of place, too. It just made sense to create a niche community that doesn't exist and that needed to.


Ever since Dragon Slayer II was released, upon completing the quest, I didn't think it was possible to slay Vorkath as a 60 attack zerker. This was long before the dragon hunter crossbow buff, and many people discouraged me, but I never gave up. After 5 hours of attempts, I actually managed to slay Vorkath on 16 January. And now, six months later, I'm leading with 508 kc.


Vorkath was the beginning of realising my endless possibilities. I had no idea it would lead to that. Anything is possible


That's also true, communities are hard to establish, but once you are able to form a strong core, like you said, it honestly becomes a lot less intense (as far as work goes).


Yeah! I heard about the clan reopening and I'm happy to see that you did at your own pace. I knew it would be for the better of Vengeance, so it's nice to see you all thriving again.


It may be a little slow, but that's ok, that's just part of building up a really great team, clan and community. It's more about having a solid team than it is about "numbers" sometimes. Trust comes first over everything.


Thanks so much for offering expertise! I may just do that. Catching up sounds really nice.  :)



All the best,



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Wish there was a definitive "No" option.

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Wish there was a definitive "No" option.


Hey there, Living. Thanks for taking interest in my goals!



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dang, i wish i couldve made it. 

nice account though dude, and best of luck on your new clan.


hope i see you around, ill make sure to say hi :D 

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