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infernal cape

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just out of curiosity lol is there anyone in here that can get an infernal cape on a zerker?...asking for...a friend.haha

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We had one, but he left. Btw, aren't they monitoring infernal capes pretty closely, so if you buy it there is a high chance of getting caught?

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There are a few trustworthy sellers outside the clan but they're quite expensive and I hear they're starting to only accept irl $$$. Worth looking into if you want 1.

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There are a few trustworthy sellers outside the clan but they're quite expensive and I hear they're starting to only accept irl $$$. Worth looking into if you want 1.


i may attempt it myself. i wouldn't trust someone outside of the clan or someone idk personally

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There are a few trustworthy sellers outside the clan but they're quite expensive and I hear they're starting to only accept irl $$$. Worth looking into if you want 1.


i may attempt it myself. i wouldn't trust someone outside of the clan or someone idk personally



The people I'm referring to have done loads of services. Pink Clay for example. Up to you tho.

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There are a few trustworthy sellers outside the clan but they're quite expensive and I hear they're starting to only accept irl $$$. Worth looking into if you want 1.


i may attempt it myself. i wouldn't trust someone outside of the clan or someone idk personally



The people I'm referring to have done loads of services. Pink Clay for example. Up to you tho.


hmmmm interesting. i may look into it.

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Lotta infernal cape scams out there careful bro

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the only name I'm familiar with is pink clay, but be careful about it. I wouldn't do it since it's pretty easy to monitor.

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U cud also use texan, but he doesnt offer for a zerk yet. Also pink clay gets a bunch of capes taken away

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Lotta infernal cape scams out there careful bro



the only name I'm familiar with is pink clay, but be careful about it. I wouldn't do it since it's pretty easy to monitor.



U cud also use texan, but he doesnt offer for a zerk yet. Also pink clay gets a bunch of capes taken away

Just be careful bro, not worth buying imo. 

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Crazy that they released content that is so difficult to get that barely anyone has the cape... I suppose that's the point but it is a bit frustrating.

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