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70 or 75 defence?

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80 att bro. You’ll be hitting a lot harder

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75 def all day

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If you are unsure what med you want to go (75/75 or 80/70) just stay 75/70 until you feel comfortable moving on. You can't step back after you make the decision. I think one more reason why you would want to wait is because of the release of new weapons/armour and their utility in PVP situations. 

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I had to get 76 attack as it was unavoidable :( im not rich enough for 75 defence yet

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75/75, I'm a little biased though  :P

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75 defence for sure, 70 is worthless as there's spirit shields and serp helm/bulwark shield etc you can wear at 75.

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i think i prefer 75 just because of the gear limitations with 70 but i def like both builds

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stay 70 def unless pvm imo

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Hmm but even if you go 75 def it is only one combat level.  And from my experience in W24 107 vs 108 does not make a big difference.

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70 def definetly.. if i could choose now to setback to 70 i wouldnt hesitate

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