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70 or 75 defence?

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i am currently 107cb with 70 defence, do I take the extra step and get 75 or nah? I need opinions

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that or get 80 attack instead of 75 def

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that or get 80 attack instead of 75 def

in the bank ive got tanzanite mutagen, that's why I'm thinking that? but I'm 6k off 76 atk :/

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Dang we have similar stats and I was thinking the same thing.  But the gear setup says we need to use a whip?  If so then just train it on defense, or?

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stay 70 def unless pvm imo

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There are several reasons why 75>70, but most of them are PVM based. 


Shields : The anti-dragon shields, such as the dragonfire ward, are great against vorkath.


Bulwark : I used this for a bit of prayer training at the chaos hut. 


Boots : Offer BiS bonuses for training/bossing


Serp Helm : Immunity to poisons/venoms


If you are not going to use such items, stay at 70. 

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def 70 over 75 IMO

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Thanks guys, im gonna ride the 70 defence wave for a while:)

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Personally I like having 75 defence on my med.


I do Raids, Zulrah and a litle bit of GWD.

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that or get 80 attack instead of 75 def

or better yet, get 80+ Attack & 75 Defence Max Master Build as some say.


for me, #ZerkPride

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There are several reasons why 75>70, but most of them are PVM based. 


Shields : The anti-dragon shields, such as the dragonfire ward, are great against vorkath.


Bulwark : I used this for a bit of prayer training at the chaos hut. 


Boots : Offer BiS bonuses for training/bossing


Serp Helm : Immunity to poisons/venoms


If you are not going to use such items, stay at 70. 

and if you are staying at 70, might as well go 80 att/70 def, same cb at 75 att/def but a lot more dps

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