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Maybe Bic Boi Zerk?

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Wondering if I can jump right in as a big boi zerk and save the 60 att I am working on for bh/pvp worlds?

This account literally collects dust and doing the zerk quests would get me enough for the B Gloves qp requirements...hmm maybe?

Thoughts on higher level zerkers?


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ohhhhh yah doooo that shit!!

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Get it done!!!

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best decision i ever made was to go big boi 

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sick props, mad respect on the 16 hunter pure. If you do decide to go big boy try to triple check what questing b glove reqs gets you too. beaut acc m8.

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Big dick zerks are amazing, you have amazing dps!  Very worth

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Join the club mate!! Best decision I've ever made ????

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do it

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Go for it !

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Might as well tbh if your current build doesn’t interest you

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always big boy zerk!


any questions, feel free to pm me :)


- Ben

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