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To get 99 prayer or not?

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Meds and tanks max at 109 cb, so does a max big boi zerk with 77 prayer. Is 99 prayer worth getting 112 cb for? Been debating it hard. I don't want to stick out as a zerk with 112 cb and get focused on in clan wars

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Meds actually max at 112 as well, its always worth it in my opinion as long as you have the money.

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what jake said

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Meds actually max at 112 as well, its always worth it in my opinion as long as you have the money.

Exactly this

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If you can afford it and got the patience for it? Sure

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Yeah dude do it, I doubt you will be focused in CWA as a 112

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I'm personally going along with the clans combat level to not stand out as much. Meaning I'm 77 pray until we get more meds (or zerks) that max out with 99 pray as well. The majority are 109 so far. I am saving up for 99 pray in the mean time tho :)


But the more people would start the movement the more people would follow... As in myself :P 

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I'm personally going along with the clans combat level to not stand out as much. Meaning I'm 77 pray until we get more meds (or zerks) that max out with 99 pray as well. The majority are 109 so far. I am saving up for 99 pray in the mean time tho :)


But the more people would start the movement the more people would follow... As in myself :P


personally agree with this

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IMO Zerks stay 55 prayer, if you're thinking about prayer in the first place turn zerk into med just me tho :P

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Do it man, start the 112 movement!

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