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Group Bossing

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Any guys out here bossing? I'd like to get into bossing and/or raids but I got 0 experience in this. Anyone feels like helping this poor fella out?

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We've got a few people that randomly go out and do bosses, keep an ear open.  I'm sure they'll let you tag along!

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I’m up for bossing bro! I need to keep my ear open for the group who goes out etc

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Yaaaaas Wiley bossing is lit

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Callisto isnt a boss btw, HES A PRO PKER

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ill be ready to start bossing soon i got a maxed main, just skilling up for ds2 req rn

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Down for that, just lmk

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HMU when you lot are going, i'll join :)

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I like doing sara, arma, and bandos message me if see me on i'm always down to boss.

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