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A new era begins

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Maxed med level status achieved :)


May yet get 75 defence and don't have rigour yet due to funds but will be working hard towards getting it


Super happy with my new build though can't wait to cause a menace in the wildy >: )


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Really proud of you Connor. You'll be one of the main med legends in Vengeance man, I'm telling you ;)


75 def would indeed put you at 109 combat like most builds.

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fucking sick dude, love it

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Eyyyyyyyyy nice Connor!

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Nice account

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75 def for 109 cmb

Lets goo


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Nice account you'll be owning in the wild

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Very very nice man!????

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Richie King

i absolutely love these account builds ! they are so fun to play on

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your stats are really nice

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