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I made a Vorkath YT Guide.

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Hey guys, anyone looking to learn how to kill vorkath efficiently i made a guide on it. Its all text, no voice but the content is good : )

Atleast i think its decent. I make on average 3-4m an hour at vorkath with 4-5 kills a trip.



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solid stuff, if i wasn't too lazy to get stats for the quest id probly try it

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Thanks! Defiantly worth it.

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damn man! nice guide

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solid stuff, if i wasn't too lazy to get stats for the quest id probly try it

Same here!


I liked and subbed! :D 

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Dayummmm love the guide you beat me too it. 


 Couple things I would add for killing it efficiently.


1. He does a special attack either summon spawn or green lava every 7th attack or 28th game tick. You can abuse this information to time your eats with vorkaths 7th attack as so you aren't wasting game ticks eating when you could be attacking him.


2. To bank have a lunar isle portal in your house, brew/drink pool to heal above full then go through lunar isle portal, bank using birds eye jack then talk too another lunar banker to get kicked off the island and chucked off right beside the vorkath boat. 


3. regular super antifires + dragon flame resistant shield give 100% resistance to dragon flame so you don't need to waste the 10k on expensive antifires. I use mantas also as it is cheaper over time.


great guide, kc for pet goomba? + what other uniques have you got?

 I'm 1 jar, 2 of the cheap visages, 2 dragonbone necklaces at 1.2k kc atm. slowing working on the pet 

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gonna come back to this when I've completed ds2 seems like a good guide

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this is probably one of the best money makers in the game atm, would recommend!

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Thanks man this is great! Will definitely be using soon

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Nice man

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Hahah mate I absolutely loved this guide. I like how you go slow and pace through it and gives me a slayermusiq1-esque feel. I think to my fellow brothers who are not as rich to afford dhcb and dfw, we have to bank more often than the meta method. I think a better alternative to banking would be to use House Teleport and have a portal chamber right next to spawn location. Have a lunar isle teleport there (Lilac in colour), and it will teleport you directly to the bank of 'Birds Eye Jack'. After you bank, talk to the regular bankers to get kicked off the island, right next to the boat to Vorkath. 


I had to use this method since I can only afford a blowpipe rather than the fancy stuff, which means the dragon eats through my health and I had to bank more often. 

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