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Don't know where to ask... but

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Is there any point in my trying to join when my stats are like this;


(Med build)


86 att

86 str

70 def

86~ hp (will be 95+ with 99 range/94 mage)

83 rng (training to 90+, eventually 99)

70 pray (probably get 74/75 for rigour when I can afford it)

87 mage (going for 94)


Maxed on this build ill be 106/107 cb with 99 hp, keeping att/str at 86.


So: 86/86/70/99/99/75/94~ = 107.xx


Just wondering if there could be an exception to the "rule" going 86/86 instead of 75/99...


If not no worries, thought I should ask before getting too deep. 



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Make a new acc

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No i'm sorry man,


Could easy make a new account tho :)

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You've unfortunately went over the att/str cap :(

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No i'm sorry man,


Could easy make a new account tho :)



You've unfortunately went over the att/str cap :(

What these guys said, sorry bro.


But making a new account shouldnt take you long at all

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i vote new acc!!!

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As above, sorry mate

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best advice I could give you is get it to 99 str, 77 pray, 94 mage, 99 range and use it as a med for singles pking. Then make a new account possibly a zerk so you have an account for higher bridding and one for clanning(lvl 113 ish med, and a zerk thatll be roughly 90-100)

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Get 99 att/str be a maxed dher

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get maxed

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