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Damn demons

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Fuck was harder then I thought due to pkers chasing me down but I got it :P



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looking good broooooo

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well done

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nice one :), is it still as crowded as it was on release?

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Congrats! Heard its quite the hassle! 

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I’m putting off going out there to do that lol. Hoping the activity surrounding it dies down a bit with time

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eeeey sick :)

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nice bro! i need to do this sooner than later XD

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nice one :), is it still as crowded as it was on release?

Nah tbh I didn't see heaps of people, but when i did it was like half way through a kill and I would needa dip

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Gratz but you should of got zammmy if u worship the devil, Hail Satan!!!

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Haha I think that was one of my favorite parts of getting the cape. I got balsy and decided to go for the third heart with the second in my inventory.... Pker downed me while I was nearly done with the third demon... rip... Got to start back over on the second... Good times... Grats!

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