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Team Iphone, or Android?

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what yall roccin wit

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Just switched from an android to an iphone. Team iphone, but honestly no difference

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Just switched from an android to an iphone

me too, except it was a galaxy on5 to an iphone 4


only had it for a week but dropped the iphone more than I've ever dropped the galaxy, now the power button doesn't work anymore lmao


galaxy on5 only has 8gb space and 7.5 is taken up by the damn os firmware so I can't dl any apps


meanwhile the iphone 4 can download the apps but half of them blackscreen ffs


moral of the story: get a new phone

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Just switched from an iPhone to Android.


Team Android atm hahaah :P

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Team iPhone but mostly because I get hand-me-downs from my mother haha

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Just switched from an android to an iphone

me too, except it was a galaxy on5 to an iphone 4


only had it for a week but dropped the iphone more than I've ever dropped the galaxy, now the power button doesn't work anymore lmao


galaxy on5 only has 8gb space and 7.5 is taken up by the damn os firmware so I can't dl any apps


meanwhile the iphone 4 can download the apps but half of them blackscreen ffs


moral of the story: get a new phone



YOOO i had the on5 2 hahaha. tell me why i had that same issue. i had 2 restart the phone daily to clear up space. now that u mention it the iphone is definitely better in terms of space available, i now have the iphone 7 with 32gb!

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Android man, I was looking at the new google phone looks pretty dope but Im not sure if its released yet.

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Android all the way.

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iPhone til the death of me.

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Switched to Android. IOS is more intuitive but Android offers more customisation

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