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Comparing all med builds and max zerk

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So I was contemplating making a new account just to have something to alt. So I compared all the different deviants of piety/med builds compared to the 99 attack zerk I currently am working on. Instead of just printing the spreadsheet and deleting it. Figured I'd share it.


Max hit is more oriented around max gear and pvming/training.

Dps is more aimed at fighting someone in full tank gear, how you'll do over time.


Do note things like the leaf bladed b axe has a lower dps compared to a dscim, but higher max so you have that combo potential to hopefully get a couple good high hits and out damage your opponent eating.



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Very well put together < if this phrase makes sense, if not sorry im 4n.

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Very well put together < if this phrase makes sense, if not sorry im 4n.

Haha makes perfect sense. Thank you!

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Would have liked to see a 75/99/45 build in there for example (multi dps), but very nicely done nonetheless

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Would have liked to see a 75/99/45 build in there for example (multi dps), but very nicely done nonetheless

Thanks bud. I was on a work PC and we cant save files and I closed the spreadsheet.


I posted the link to the dps calc in discord, but if you'd like I can figure it up tonight.

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i dont see a good range tank in there ;D

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i dont see a good range tank in there ;D

Haha I was personally more interested in the melee variants. Plus is there even really variants to range tank besides 75 and 99 def :P

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Would have liked to see a 75/99/45 build in there for example (multi dps), but very nicely done nonetheless

Thanks bud. I was on a work PC and we cant save files and I closed the spreadsheet.


I posted the link to the dps calc in discord, but if you'd like I can figure it up tonight.


If you have the time, please do. I'm curious to see it (but I guess the end result can already be guessed - maxed piety pure > maxed 75 atk zerk)

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This is a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing it with us!

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nice read,


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Sick spreadsheet man

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