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[HD] Monday The Slaughter

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Was fun <3

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nice video as always brother, someone explain me what ac was doing?

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nice video as always brother, someone explain me what ac was doing?

Thanks broeder, no clue :P

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Dds at 8:20 typical vendetta, gj on the video.

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TopOne coming in clutch with another vid, way to go man, keep it up!

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TopOne coming in clutch with another vid, way to go man, keep it up!

Ty man! really appreciate it <3

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Looks awesome, well done guys!

And nice vid :D

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thanks m8, I forgot to take a pic of me at the event but I'm in ur vid getting hassled by the sandwich lady at 40secs in



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Man, I like your vids more and more :D


Loved the animated veng logo you've used.


Keep them up bruh

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nice man!

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Well done, vid looks dope

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