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Is void melee worth it? I've never had it lol, also is infinity better than void mage?

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I had void melee on my old zerk, never used it 'cause I think it's worthless

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its good if you want to void brid in pvp. You can mage, range, and melee all with a simple weapon and helm switch. I see guys in pvp worlds TB with void mage, ballista with range helm and then gmaul with melee helm for a super fast KO. But nobody wants to be "that guy" :/

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10% accuracy and 10% damage bonus.


You get more damage bonus from strength bonus items like torso, zerk helm, b gloves etc. So its logical to know that you wouldn't want it in situations where you want to hit your highest i.e standard 1v1 pvp.


The 10% accuracy is good for pvm by landing special attacks with weapons like bgs. Furthermore pvp applications besides bridding such as attacking tanks in bh if you somehow ran into the misfortune of getting one as a target. For the most part its not very good

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It's great to brid with but otherwise i wouldnt use

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It's not really worth getting void unless its for range

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