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I'm still alive

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Alright lads and lasses, just wanted it known i'm still alive. I've not been on too much lately bit hard to motivate myself and i've had a few real life issues pop up that have really slowed me down. Just wanted you to know i'm still progressing, i'm still always Vengeance and i'm doing my best to get the stats I need.


I've got Rune gloves now, just need the def + Range to apply, and to do DT but i've got a few things I need to do first getting Void today with a bit of luck - legitimately this time (and can fully say I despise bots there it slows it down so hard) should get that today, then i'll get a Fighter torso > 60 def > Piety > 75/70/70 then get my range up and apply!


Keep strong, hope everything's alright haven't followed much of the clan goings on the past month if anyone wants to fill me in i'd appreciate it!





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Was wondering where you went haha glad to hear you doing well

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there he is!! nice progress still man, keep it up! :)

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Ebony Chins

Welcome back man ;)

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Already thought you got banned again haahahah :D


Nah, but good to see everything is alright bro. Take your time and apply whenever you feel like you're ready!


Good luck!

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Keep going man

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