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king solo

SOLO king

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king solo

A couple weeks ago while i was still a noobish voider with 42 def and 88 range i decided to start soloing arma with my overpowered void armor and my trusty rcb.

People laughed at me, and then this happened :D
woola bank made xD 
Now you guys know who has the ely RNG in hem so don't forget to call !
after this got the rest of arma pices in 100kc only thing missing now is a pet.

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int 0x80

Gz man

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Holy shit dude! That is insane! Now you are a tank you gotta get dat pet :D

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king solo

Holy shit dude! That is insane! Now you are a tank you gotta get dat pet :D

also the odds of getting a elite clue with it :D

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Ebony Chins

Wow insane luck lol

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i need that rng 

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but when you do arma with me, we get crushed nests all day every day

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Haha sick rng!

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GZ. you were void with 42def to solo arma o.o!?


How many kills a trip?

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