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Thoughts on an account

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I have a main, a zerk, and a gmauler. The main and the gmauler haven't had a bond in it for like 4 months or so.


Option 1: I'm thinking I keep the zerk 60 attack see how much I actually care about doing bounty hunter and if I do i'll leave it 60 attack and potentially make the gmauler a tank.


Option 2: If I hate Bounty Hunter than i'll go 99 attack on the zerk and then make the gmauler a piety pure for Bounty Hunter.


Option 3: do my laundry for once

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option 2 sounds more fun to me.


option 3 is stupid for sure.

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If you dislike 60 att bh maybe try 75 att before getting that 99? 


And I'd prioritize option 3. ;)

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option 2 sounds more fun to me.


option 3 is stupid for sure.


basically this ( 90 + attack is life )

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Ebony Chins

Just learn bridding tbh lots of fun ;)

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Option 3 for sure

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Go buy new clothes

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Honestly, this is only my opinion though, why have a zerker and a tank? Despite being different accounts, if you have a decent tank, they will fall both in similar combat levels, fighting the same people. You can still go to lvl 20-30 with 60 attack zerker, making the 'tank hybrid' theory sorta of useless(unless you want to deep pk and for that I would use the main).

Leave your low level a low level, it's always nice to break the ice from higher level pking.

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Give option 3 to your girlfriend and do option 2

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Laundry? I shower wirh my clothes on...

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Give option 3 to your girlfriend and do option 2

She only did it in the beginning when we were still new and now I'm eating spaghetti o's every night man smh

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