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NMZ question (zerker)

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Hey guys,


I'm a zerker in the making, and I got some questions. I really hope some of you can help me out.


How much will 80-99 strength cost on average? I got 80 strength, 60 attack, 52 prayer & all the zerker pure items (fire cape, barrow gloves etc).


Like, how many XP will I get per hour and how many prayer pots do I use per trip? 


Will 80-99 strength cost more than 15m?


Thanks in advance!



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int 0x80

I got on average 240k XP per 19 prayer potions. Let's say 220k because of your strength level. Do the math of XP left to 99 and then calculate average cost of prayer potions * 19.

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Idk I only used absorption pots

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Hard to put a number on. Depends on your gear and set up.

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If you use prayer potions the cost will be significantly higher, I used prayer potions until I had enough points for absorptions.

As long as you bring super sets and flick heart prayer I don't see why there would be a difference in xp gained.


If you're concerned about money I suggest you use absorptions and rock cake in order to stay afloat financially.

I can't answer for prayer potions as I did mostly with absorbtions.


Definitely a much more cost effective method.


Whatever approach you take I wish you the best of luck in achieving you're goals !

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