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Br0od Elf

Should I stay 75 defence or train it higher?

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Br0od Elf

Hi everyone!


Im in bit of a dilemma at the moment i dont know what to do with my range tank.

I dont know if i should stay 75 defence or train it higher and it would be nice if you

leave some opinions about staying or train it higher. :D

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Proteins Eff

I would go for 99def bczop

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higher! the point of a tank is that defence... so may as well get 99 :D

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why would you stay 75? + and -s?


i'd personally always max my accounts, but it's up to you really.

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Would get 99, no reason not to. It can only help!

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Agreed with the above. Staying 75 is only somewhat good (not even really good cause ags still smacks you) if you like to fight ags zerks in edge lol. For anything else, go 90+

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Not sure how many combat levels you'll gain, but I'd say stay 75 def if you like fighting the low levels in edge. 

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Stay 75 for pking 99 for clanning

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I Sam I

I'm going for 85 on my tank n leaving it at that

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Agreed with the above. Staying 75 is only somewhat good (not even really good cause ags still smacks you) if you like to fight ags zerks in edge lol. For anything else, go 90+

99 defense Isn't much better with an AGS, You can almost always count on an AGS to smack your soul away.

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Agreed with the above. Staying 75 is only somewhat good (not even really good cause ags still smacks you) if you like to fight ags zerks in edge lol. For anything else, go 90+

99 defense Isn't much better with an AGS, You can almost always count on an AGS to smack your soul away.


Yes I know, but edge pking is is absolutely aids on a tank 105+ combat. :P

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