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Tank test example video?

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Currently grinding zulrah to make money for returns and joining after. Since I've never done a tank test I'd like to see a video example of someone doing a tank test. Just for some preparing etc. Did anyone ever upload a video like this?

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int 0x80

There's one from a while back but it isn't really accurate. One person in middle. 5 around. 1 Ballista, 2 range->ags, 1 meleer, one mage. No one specs. No SOTD specs. Combo eat and switch prayers.

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@no pray zone should make one

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ayyy get with 16 pray zerk he did it without overheads lol it shouldnt be too hard just stay calm and dont let hp fall below 70 while switching prayers

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I wouldn't mind helping you out and giving you some advice. The only difference would be the fact you would quickly switch to pray tabs on game ticks where they aren't hitting or you can't eat. If you want to, I wouldn't mind recording just so you can see and get the feel.

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Ebony Chins

Yeah a video would be nice to have

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I remember @@Earthship was going to work on one 

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I wouldn't mind helping you out and giving you some advice. The only difference would be the fact you would quickly switch to pray tabs on game ticks where they aren't hitting or you can't eat. If you want to, I wouldn't mind recording just so you can see and get the feel.

Hey thanks bro! I'll app asap and definately hit you up for some tips  :D

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I wouldn't mind helping you out and giving you some advice. The only difference would be the fact you would quickly switch to pray tabs on game ticks where they aren't hitting or you can't eat. If you want to, I wouldn't mind recording just so you can see and get the feel.


Hey thanks bro! I'll app asap and definately hit you up for some tips  :D


Gl with your app! Let me know if you need any help w/ it!

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I remember @@Earthship was going to work on one 

dam I thought everyone forgot haha.


I was going to make a video on it, i never got proper clips tho

and I Always end up thinking like 'How am i going to explain this' it's basically just being aware of your hp and clicking food.


i'll look into it right now, see if i have some decent clips

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sorry i literally have no good clips :/ might get some during the weekend idk.

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