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gene vance

should i stay or should i go

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gene vance

hey guys,i have a dilema i need to share ,bit of background on it..


i broke up from a longterm relationship,it wasnt a friendly split(not me)..


i decided to start a new life,so moved to a different country on my own where i dont speak the lingo..


i rent a villa  on top of a mountain overlooking the sea which is split into 4 sections * 3 holiday lets and mine,the internet is shit,when people are staying maybe 4 to an apartment that means theres tons of people on the wifi,making my gaming experiance hardwork,ive made a zerk got them bgloves,firecape ect but its like playing on dial up sometimes,its like 1 sec lagg but ive learned to deal with it quite well,however i dont feel you have seen my true potencial, infact i get the feeling some people think im a noob or just shit,i really enjoy the clan and even tho i dont speak on ts i listen in.


until i move or meet someone who can let me log on from theres i dont think im gonna get past tank test.

i try to follow orders,ive had quite a few kills ,some nice loot on pk trips. deaths dont bother me,i dont mind returning.so in general if you see me fuck up now and then or appear to be stood still ect,im not, im right there goin mad at my pc.im not asking for special treatment im just asking to skip tank test for now,ive met all other criteria and id like to stay but for now people would just have to bear with me until i can get faster net..


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hey bro, im sure it wouldnt be a problem!

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Tank test is something that you will pass for sure, i would be able to help you out with that if you want. 


However i cant do that if its technological. 


Still all the best and i can imagine the view you have towards the sea ^^

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Ima Zerk

Honestly - I think this is the only possible course of action until you get better internet connection:


You can remain as an applicant until you are able to pass your tank test. Applicants still have all the same privileges as full members.


What's going to happen is that until you can pass your tank test, you'll have to re-apply every two weeks. I can't promise you it won't be aggravating, but I can promise you that nobody will make a big deal about it. We've had plenty of people do the very same thing because they didn't meet certain clan criteria, yet still wanted to be a part of Vengeance. That's the reason the two week trial period exists, for people that want to participate. :) If you genuinely want to pk with the clan and stay involved, this is the way to do it.


You specifically said in your post that you're not asking for special treatment. This is the only way to get what you want without providing you with special treatment, if that makes sense. 


I wish you all the luck with your internet/relationship, and the villa on the hill overlooking the sea sounds incredible, so try to enjoy it if you can!


Looking forward to pking with ya,


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Have you tried getting a good quality cable and use direct connection? Made a noticeable difference for me :)

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Sounds like you've got it good my friend!


Sorry to hear about your relationship though, life likes to kick back sometimes.

I'm sure we can help you out the best way we can bro.


If I was you, I would try using a direct cable hookup from your router. Like Will said.


Hope to talk to you soon :)

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I feel you bro. I have kind of the same problem. Its not much the connection but where I play, My mouse is on a table and keyboard is on my knees making F key switching unpraticable :P


You might try to pass the tank test till you get lucky with RNG :)

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No worries man 

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Wow dude, you moved out to a new country all on yourself?

Balls of steel. How bout your family?:s

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Getting Even

Tank test isnt that bad just combo eat 

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do what you think is right and hope for the best brother!

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