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How's the bracket for 107cmb pking? Find fights often? Pros, cons? Only pros I can think of is 99 attack.

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imo its shit unless u can brid / deep wildy pk, vs dharoks and piety accs, it definitely gets rough, unless you're a really skilled pker and know your ticks etc

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I would like to practice bridding I see alot of people pking as zerks without overheads seems fun but I dont really know how only done nhing before

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When I had my zerk I was like 104 cmb 94 att 96 str, and to be honest, edgeville 1v1 was shit. Varrock bridding was decent, although you're still so easy to spec out cause you have no defence.


For everything deep wild I absolutely loved this build tho.

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Depends where u pk and how u like pking.. 

Do whatever you enjoy and make your account what you want it to be :)

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Well, I like edge, varrock, and deep wildy and clanning...guess I'll stick with 75 attack and start a new zerk later on.

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Veng Lure Me

Tbh depends on the pker, i know a lot of maxed zerks myself included that actually make a lot of money in edgeville. Im 106 and if your good at timing your venge you will get kills all day. You really have to know what your doing or you will die quite a bit.

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If you pk edge then stay 75 attack, otherwise go for 99.


IMO our clan should accept 75 attack/75 defense builds. It would still be lower cb than 99 attack (or close to the same)

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Zerks and barrow pures in this team right? Or do we only trip with 45?

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pretty shit honestly, going against 70 def'ers or range tanks. 

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It's especially not good if you're going to the usual 30 wild spots with a team. We're pretty much all mid 90s so no one will be able to attack that 126 that's on you

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