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Grinding for requirements

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Hey guys, ill be filling out application once I meet the requirements. I'll post some updates as I progress!


Def- 59/70

Range- 79/85

Magic- 81/82



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nearly there! you can app without the requirements as long as you meet them in you 2 week trial period!

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int 0x80

nearly there! you can app without the requirements as long as you meet them in you 2 week trial period!

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good luck!

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Yeah go ahead and get that app in bro!

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beamer i8

hey man come v public when you train.

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Good luck mate!

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Proteins Eff

Good luck bro u got this

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Good luck! 

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thanks guys! ill put my app in soon! boy do i miss 99 range/mage with 90 defence haha

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