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int 0x80

98 Attack - Almost There!

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int 0x80

As you guys know, the combat competition started just under two weeks ago and against all odds (I was 89 strength at the start), I've managed to grind not only 89-92 strength, but 75-98 attack. In a little under two weeks. That's some ridiculous gains. I've been extremely tired for the entire competition and probably won't do this to myself again. Let's face it, with IRL shit, school, and grinding 20 hours of rs a day, it's not healthy. I'll be carrying my progress through the end of the combat competition and will 100% hit 99 attack, but my grind to 99 strength won't be anything like this. Probably going to get 99 strength through relaxing slayer. Thanks for reading if you got all the way down here. #VengUp




Edit: Proof of the strength gains - this was taken 8/16.



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I Sam I

Those gains! Gratz bro

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beastly gains congrats !

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Good job man!

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lol awesome bro, yeah, i can't grind like this anymore, it takes me so long to get levels lmao. but good job bro, do you think you'll win?

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Holy fking shat XD So many level in two weeks :o




I'm loving the dedication you have for it doe. Good job!

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Nice man

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Omg int you're so pro  :kappa:

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int 0x80

lol awesome bro, yeah, i can't grind like this anymore, it takes me so long to get levels lmao. but good job bro, do you think you'll win?

If Joe really is out of the competition, yes I've already won. I've gained over 11m XP so far and no one else is remotely near that.

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What insane progress lol. Grats bro!



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Nans are ez

bro irl> rs dont play that much ur healthy will get bad or ger injured or etc etc etc :P

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