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Nice Propaganda l0l0l0l keep being delusional

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Bye Rev :(

Edited by Dylan

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Nans are ez

normal rev talking shit cant give anything good :/

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hahahaha rekt

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hehe, but i also think we shouldnt be seeking shit with Rev

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lel sooooo mad

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Poor kiddos, maybe next time LOL

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Poor kiddos, maybe next time LOL

More like never

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Starting fights, and debunking propaganda are muuuch different. Rev's members blindly follow whatever they're told, i was simply giving them the option to open their eyes :wub:

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The lawn guy

when ever i see that 3 letter word rev i just laugh, well clear them sunday ez

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I hate Rev that much, whenever someone uses the word to describe starting their engine I cut their brake fluid.


Beautiful post Dyl, they've got such big mouths and absolutely no way of backing it up once you hit them with the truth they go off on little tangents, ignore the points made and come back with silly little insults to change the topic. And obviously here all they've shown is they can dish it out, can't take it and ban you for speaking up.


I miss the Nazi's, at least when they spread a load of bullshit they backed it up.


Another thing i'm disappointed about and it's an unpopular opinion, I miss Tyy. I miss the lads that left because they were all sound they just had a difference of opinion on the way they wanted the clan to go and I respect that. The scamming, the shit talking, the bitterness. That's a bad way to leave and what have they actually done since? I checked Rev's forums and now Tyy's a new member but we've got to remember when I was on "FF7 Remake" running BA for our members for no charge he was helping to do the same it's just a shame to see how he's turned out, but honestly where have they been? Why mud their own names by joining Rev? Kebab addiction is a mental illness and needs proper treatment.


Vengeance get slated by these little go go boys for being a "Community" clan but why the fuck would I want to be a part of a group of similar account builds who just pk, or clan and chat shit? It's a game and if you can't enjoy your game the fuck's the point in playing? We still dominate the wilderness we lose a couple of clan wars to clans that live there and I have no issue at all with that, we just keep improving and getting stronger and that's what it's about.


Moaning about fucking "edge pkers" and "Ex-pures" as if that matters in the grand scheme of things, we're tightly knit and gaining members weekly we PvM, Stake, PK and have a laugh together i'd hate to be in a "Clan" that requires me to give my life up and get bossed around by some Keyboard drill sergeant who does sweet FA IRL and takes their ego out here for the sake of return sets and the ability to chat shit on the internet, it's embarrassing. 


Just something i'd thought about, I love Vengeance and what we stand for, I hate Revenant and what they stand for. They have good pkers, they chat good shit, they're not respected in the community or in my eyes because they're toxic, have little man syndrome and the only name I recognise is Mohammed and that's so I know he's not spitting into my Donner on a night out as payback.

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