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The Vengeance Bridding Championship (apps+)

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hey guys use this post to comment some feedback and share your interest




The Vengeance Bridding Championship


Date to be confirmed


This will be a 1v1 PVP tournament Vs Vengeance applicants+ !


Entrance into this tournament requires both an RSVP to this event post and a fee of 100k rsgp

This is to organise fights early and ensure a smooth running tournament


This tournament will reveal the Champion among us!

The rules are simple, however may be altered if your opponent fully agrees:


-Tri/hybrid fighting styles only


-Overheads On


-60* Defence Cap


-No Venom




-No Ballista


-No Armadyl Crossbow


-Maximum of 2 Saradomin Brews per fight


-No Rune pouch


Hopefully i can get some GFX and perhaps a special champion brid icon for the victor (aswell as the pot)

Stay tuned and be sure to get involved !

Lets see whos really got the skills and the right to boast about em   ;)


Current Pot - 500k



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Saying hybrid only is kinda bad for a range tank xD 

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"no rune pouch"


not attending lel

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Well this seems like an too easy win for me! Looking forward to fighting ratslayer on the final tho :)

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