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Lack of SharkBrew

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As I was scrolling down the sharkbrew website (for those who do not know what sharkbrew is, it is a clanning website for recruiting, and sharing clanning experiences. Although it is more pure clanning scene, there is a 40 defence section which is my point.)


Revenant (our rival) almost exclusively takes ownership of that section. And through appereance it looks good.


Sharkbrew is important as usually experienced players and clanners will be on there. If a pure who is trying to leave the pure scene or even making another account will want to join a clan it will be important to take it over.


My intent:


My intent is to improve veng's performance aswell as increase the amount of dedicated, experienced clanners. As I'm EST, many people are offline on TS and it is almost dead. I would like to change that.


Recording pk trips and whatnot is also a good way to increase help out also. There are ways to download camtasia for free. I will start recording myself, when the time is up.


Please give feedback and #vengup

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Veng Speeeed

Hey @


I like your desire to make vengeance grow! this is what vengeance members are about and to see you doing it makes me proud!


I totally agree with you on this and its something i think will be good for the clan overall, so for that reason i will do some more pk aftermath posts on there.


Of course though, we need all our members to be taking constant killpics of their kills!


i look forward to seeing how this pans out!

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This is a great idea! I know I'm in the same boat as you, living in a -8 GMT, I miss most of the events because they happen during the day for me, and by the time I get on, there are very few people active (Ranks at least). It would be great to have the clan active all day long no matter what timezone!


@ We just need to start recruiting more people from the United States/Canada   ^_^  ^_^  ^_^

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Tbh I don't know what most people on SB do, but I'm mostly there to read up on clan discussions and to flame people lmao


Still, I like the idea, but overall I'd be happy with some aftermath topics of the day out, either here, or on sb/zybez

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Great plan mate, always nice to see some aftermaths  ^_^

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Tbh I don't know what most people on SB do, but I'm mostly there to read up on clan discussions and to flame people lmao


Still, I like the idea, but overall I'd be happy with some aftermath topics of the day out, either here, or on sb/zybez

^so true :D


Anyways, there'll be aftermath topics posted on Zybez/Sharkbrew as we used to (we posted them during our rivalry against WS/PD which was before Revenant). All tho pictures/vids are required for these and I prefer vids > pictures. The more vidders we'll have the higher the chances will be that a rank will post a topic on other forums to spread awareness.


This is something we already had in the back of our mind. People are aware of our clan and even tho they might not see aftermath topics from us it won't affect the people that much as the ones with 'brains' check out all the different rune pure / range tank clans like they should :P. And it's not like they have many options :P


No offense but I hate the pure scene with a passion. I don't want to attract the kids that want to troll in zerk/tank scene and the pure scene (especially sharkbrew) is filled with them.


People will come in time. We currently have more GMT based people than EST based, that's for sure. Just keep on recruiting and following up on the intro's on our forums. We get intro's every day.

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I'm EST and can say I'm alwayssssssssss down to run whatever and PK. 


If i get accepted that is, lol. 

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I like this idea as well I'm est time also, i feel like if we individually start making videos of trips/pking/preps etc we would get more exposure to the clan (as i found this clan on youtube) 

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Yea Guys I'm always down to get a nice pk sesh in

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My name is brandon and i like this message

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great idea once i app i'll help the est timezone grow

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