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Veng Speeeed

Hes only gone and done it...

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Veng Speeeed

wowww grats shane

Thanks buddy!


gratz man, i'm currently sitting at 83/85 slayer :)

ooo nice man nearly there!


no fking way :o I want 85 slayer at some point as well! Gratz bro! Getting 99 att will be more fun now :)

haha yeah man! looking forward to krakens too :D I went like 5k dry without a pet on my main at kraken loll and got first abyssal head on like 12k kc at abbys :|

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Grats Speedo, farm dem whips now :P

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grats dude hard level to get

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nice level bro, at 85 you make bankkkk from whips, gl at sire if you do homes

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InShane in the membrane! Well done m9 everyone's goal from 2007 going asleep thinking about getting whip drops

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Narge Slayer

very nice man :P gz

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Nice man!

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Dang nice!

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congratz skillerboy :wub:

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Class son! Free whips 

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very nice

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