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Ye Im Tank

Getting there after a long break.

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Ye Im Tank

Took a break for like 3-4 months. recently returned and hit this goal out. now to power on through range and defence. 


Tank is coming along! 



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Shit! Congratulations mate. Brilliant milestone passed.


You looking to apply? ;)

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gz on 94 mage

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Ye Im Tank

Shit! Congratulations mate. Brilliant milestone passed.


You looking to apply? ;)


Ye man for sure - just gotta smash range for a week!

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Ye Im Tank

gz on 94 mage


Cheers mate!

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Goodluck on your goals man. 94 magic is one annoying milestone out of the way!

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Gone Tanking

Nice man!

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Very nice achievement bro! :D


I can't wait to see your member application :o

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Ye Im Tank

Very nice achievement bro! :D


I can't wait to see your member application :o


Getting there man. Getting void so i can chin range. Also just banked 77 prayer.. dem new prayers though. 

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grats and gl

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