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My Goals!

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Heyo everyone :) So a bit of background first, I've never really had 'goals' on Runescape. I've always just done things that I've wanted to and as a result I've never really had a good account. Joining the site and clan has changed everything in terms of Rs for me and Lotty's post in particular has made me really want to achieve what I'm setting out to do. So now onto the good bits :)


So here are my stats as of right now:



And here is my bank essentially:



The main goal right now is to get 94 mage through enchanting air orbs and in the process making enough money so that I can make a pk tab and finally complete my app. I have no idea how long it's going to take because I have a 5 minute attention span and I'm literally the most inefficient player in the game, like I honestly prefer walking to the air altar because I don't like wasting my run energy (I know wtf right?). 


After 94 mage, I'm going to focus on getting 75 attack, 90 strength and 52 prayer which hopefully shouldn't take too long via slayer and then the long road to 99 range starts. I'm hoping I will bank a good chunk of money doing orbs which should pay for a decent bit of range xp as well.


Extremely long term goals (aka the goals I will probably never get) are 99s combat stats apart from defence (duh!) and 99 slayer and fishing.


Anyway, that's enough rambling at 3am, but hopefully this thread will allow me to track progress which should push me to actually achieve something this time around :)

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Interesting topic, looking forward to see the progress pictures coming in. 

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goodluck on your goals :) keep us updated!

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I have no idea how long it's going to take because I have a 5 minute attention span and I'm literally the most inefficient player in the game, like I honestly prefer walking to the air altar because I don't like wasting my run energy (I know wtf right?). 
I lol'd :D


Anyways, anything in this game is simply a grind to be honest. It's how people do that grind that's different for each individual. I was able to max out 3 different sorts PKing accounts in OSRS by watching Movies/Series while using AFK method to train.


I wish you the best of luck! You can do it :) 

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I wish you the best of luck on achieving your goals!

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Veng Speeeed

oo gl with your goals! would love to see you app for veng in the future :D

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