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Goals :)

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This are my current stats 6/20/2016



My goal are:

60 attack/str.

85 defense/mage

99 range 

70 pray


Always down to hear tips/suggestion on training methods.

Will update weekly, Stay tuned for my progress!

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I would add 94 mage also as one of those goals m8!

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I would add 94 mage also as one of those goals m8!

That is a long term goal most definitely these are more short term!

But I thank you for your advice!

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Nice goals. Good luck achieving them!

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Best of luck with your goals

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Tank =D gl

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Looks like a promising acc build brother! Good luck! :)

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Thank you all for your support!

Feel free to drop any training methods or tips!


Trying to figure out how to effectively get my def/range to 85 :\

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No way you getting 70 attack? It speed up your def training with a whip a lot no? (I have no experience with tanks tho).

If you have the money, Chinning with def style gains you some crazy def xp as well from what I've heard (pretty pricy tho).


Good luck with your goals! They look pretty good man!

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Veng Speeeed

No way you getting 70 attack? It speed up your def training with a whip a lot no? (I have no experience with tanks tho).

If you have the money, Chinning with def style gains you some crazy def xp as well from what I've heard (pretty pricy tho).


Good luck with your goals! They look pretty good man!


That's true I had a tank and using a whip is soooo much faster for training defence, especially 99!


Sick goals though man if you hit them which I'm sure you will that will be one very nice account :D


Looking very much forward to your application in the future <3

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No way you getting 70 attack? It speed up your def training with a whip a lot no? (I have no experience with tanks tho).

If you have the money, Chinning with def style gains you some crazy def xp as well from what I've heard (pretty pricy tho).


Good luck with your goals! They look pretty good man!

To be honest I am not sure, That is a good thought though... I wonder if it really is worth it get 70 atk for a whip or just spend the cash to chin it... mhmmm....





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