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Paying Questers!

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Okay, So I have 122 Quest Points and I would very much want barrows gloves. I have done all the major quests such as lunar, desert treasure, Monkey madness and well, a bunch more! I am willing to do a deal with you if I can get all the required stats and will pay for you to get me barrows gloves and dream mentor. I will also pay for a fighter torso!


Please Pm me in game or here. The sooner I get b gloves, the sooner I can join




Teddy or 69Tick

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SORRY, ALREADY FOUND MY MAN, STRPUREPKR, please give him a higher rank, ily guys

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Legendary @strpurepker !!!


Keep in mind that services like these are at your own risk and that the clan can't be hold responsible for anything that goes wrong.

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