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My baby's mothers!

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Okay let's get personal here, I don't really talk to many people about this so I think this is an appropriate little fun fact to share about myself! My two beautiful baby mothers (nope I'm not married, yet). The first one is Gabby, she is the mother of my gorgeous daughter Aubrey.




The next is the Alani! She is the mother of my son to be, Rhyker.




These are the lovely ladies of my life (besides runescape :P), it's a weird situation but we've made the best of it so far. Being single with a full time job and trying to be juggle the grind isn't easy but I make it work the best I can. Just thought I'd share with everyone! If you got questions let me know, I enjoy talking about the subject! :)

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cute kids 

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cute kids 


This :)

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Damn son strong sperms  :kappa:

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Wow they absolutely look gorgeous, all of them!


But I need some more details tho :D

Do you have a relationship with both of them? Cuz at first I thought one was your ex and the other your current gf.

Or is this something about just making babies or so? But like on good terms or w/e :D


Once more, you're a lucky man :)

I'm looking forward to have my own child one day.

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They're so stunning wtf I wanna look like that... Gorgeous family!



Also.. I agree with Sy. I can't wait to have kids. I mean I don't want them now but I can't wait to have them hahah

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Wow they absolutely look gorgeous, all of them!


But I need some more details tho :D

Do you have a relationship with both of them? Cuz at first I thought one was your ex and the other your current gf.

Or is this something about just making babies or so? But like on good terms or w/e :D


Once more, you're a lucky man :)

I'm looking forward to have my own child one day.

Well Sy, it's difficult but I live with Gabby! We are no longer together but we are still roommates and we take care of our beautiful daughter Aubrey together every day. Alani and I are still trying to build our relationship back up bc this definitely was not expected, lol. It's getting better farther along as the pregnancy goes, she's not the nicest pregnant lady. Ya know, hormones and stuff like that :P oh did I mention I work with both of them... Ha.. Haaa.. Ehhh. Kids are amazing though, they changed my whole life.


They're so stunning wtf I wanna look like that... Gorgeous family!

Also.. I agree with Sy. I can't wait to have kids. I mean I don't want them now but I can't wait to have them hahah

Thanks, Caregan. You can't say you don't look just as good as them! :P

My little love terrorist flipped how I look at everything, and tries to take up my scape time. LOLOLOLOLOL

It's worth it tho.

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