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FF7 Remake: A month and a bit of progress!

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Hello team,



I'm Ben and i've been actively looking to apply to Vengeance since coming back to OSRS about 2 months ago ( Been on holiday/moved house in between) so at this point 01/06/2016 i've put in just over a month of work in to building my account up.



Here is my starting picture; 


19/04/2016 - Earliest one I could find





And here's where I am at 01/06/2016 after playing Overwatch on moving house/going on holiday in between :D;




Decided I was annoyed with 79 magic, got myself 94 today!







I'm posting this now and I will be updating this before I go out this afternoon with (hopefully) a little montage of all my levels on a little video).

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Looking good mate. nice fashionscape

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nice grind!

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Hey Ben!!! 


Bro we've been waiting on your app for some time now aye :D

Nice progress!


Hows the moving houses coming along?

Can't wait to see the vid ^^


Thanks for the heads upppp

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v nice brother!

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commitment right here, get that app in bro :D

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dam man, nice stuff!

how did you train your magic ?

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Nice approx. 1 month progress man damn, keep it up and look forward to clan alongside you in the future bro

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Looking good, what client you use? @@Ben

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Looking good, what client you use? @@Ben


Thanks mate the client I use is called Konduit, it's not bad.



dam man, nice stuff!

how did you train your magic ?



Cheers mate, mostly stun alching took a while just thought of the end result instead!

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Looking good, what client you use? @@Ben


Thanks mate the client I use is called Konduit, it's not bad.



dam man, nice stuff!

how did you train your magic ?



Cheers mate, mostly stun alching took a while just thought of the end result instead!


sweet, yea i did stun alching from like 80-87 or something on my account its not too bad

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