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Ultimate Old School berserker quest guide [2007]

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first... no but really, sick spreadshit man plan on using this in the future for current and other accounts

Edited by Masterjj44

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nice i'd pin this one under.

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​This is good Under thanks! I remember looking for one for ages.. came across different ones everytime, was hard to find out which one was right.

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Mr. diaries himself! nice guide man

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People ask about something like this at least one a day. Good work

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I love the diaries addition to it as well :D


Nice guide bro!

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Veng Speeeed

Legit is better than any guide you can find anywhere on the web atm... thats legit no bs lol! GJ baz. like @@Bemb said I would pin it too! awesome guide man so relevant and helpful aswell

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thanks based under

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dedicated veng

you need 60 defence for wilderness hard diary, bcs you need piety which requires 60 def?

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