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I'm back, and 20 Zulrah kills later AGAIN...

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So back from my holiday i'll get pictures etc. up later on and lucky me! 3 fangs in about 70 kills

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Wtf.... Money snake back at it again!

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:D they've been rising aswell;;4m

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Is konduit telling you to alch it? xD

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YEAY @@Ben is back!

Gratz on your drop(s) man. The money snake does you well :D


Are you planning to join us btw? :D

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YEAY @@Ben is back!

Gratz on your drop(s) man. The money snake does you well :D


Are you planning to join us btw? :D


Hiii Syyyy,


He does, he's a gracious snek. I fully intend to join you, and i'm considering doing it today but i've just got back got loads to do and i've ordered Overwatch just waiting for next door to come in to get it off them and don't want to apply and then end up playing it loads the next few days and not having time to get Barrows/Lunars/Ancients sorted!


Definitely applying though just pacing myself, if something's worth doing it's worth doing properly.


Is konduit telling you to alch it? xD


I've set it to highlight things over a 3k or so Alch value which is a pain in the ass because seeds/herbs don't show up in colour, wish it went off G.E pricing but eh it's free.

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Veng Speeeed

nice mate! NOW APP!!

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Gratz man!


Ben I love your attitude towards Vengeance 'If something is worth doing its worth doing properly'



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Gratz man!


Ben I love your attitude towards Vengeance 'If something is worth doing its worth doing properly'



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Nice work man, crazy luck

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kushty panda

3 fangs !? Nice mate - remember you stressing about learning this last week ! glad it's paying off

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