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Can't see this I'm in work but is it the Alicia or Emily fiasco?

what's the Alicia fiasco? this is about Mod Mat K and emily- yes.

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What you want an oppionion on? Yes i think she would be the perfect girl for you ;) spastic babies incomming 

LOOOOOL hahahahahaha 

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Ima Zerk

I can't really stand her voice, but sometimes I can't help feeling bad for her. (My thoughts on the cancer thing are: if she really faked it, wouldn't she have quit by now? She's put up with 24/7 trolling and actual harassment for the past year and a half for minimum money and exposure. It just doesn't all add up to me!)

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Don't feel sorry for her mate, she makes a living from the drama on Twitch and Runescape, I wrote a little summary as to what's happened on Reddit about her I'll post it here;


There's a streamer called Emily who makes Runescape content, never watched her but there's a lot of controversy around her, she claimed she had cancer but was later found to be lying about it and regularly complains she is being harassed by players and takes their names down on notepad to put to mods (ModMatK at the moment) to request a ban. They'll put their heads bald, crash her worlds, spam the cry emote etc.

Now it's all quite immature, and crashing people is just part of the game according to a large part of the community, she admitted to real-world trading GP and wasn't penalized like other players were with a perm ban, it just seems to some people that she's given favouritism since she sort of did a switch and grab with everyone's money about lying she had cancer and not giving it back.

The problem now is a good few people follow her stream and start "Harassing" her (Doing the emote etc.) ModMatK is watching the stream and starts banning people following her, people come here and lose their shit saying he's a White Knight showing favouritism and abusing mod power.

Now a huge scandal formulates and the mods don't respond (Until today) and it "Seems" unjust. The mods reply that all those banned actually have botting, harassment, racist allegations against them and that's the reason and post proof. The problem there is there are more people who were banned, not all questions were answered and not everything fully matches up and we're here.

Now a lot more has happened in between but if you have a scout about I'm sure you can fill in the gaps, that's quite long winded and that itself is just a brief summary so you can imagine how complicated it got!

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I really don't get her. Apparently there was this YouTube video that she took down where she told her viewers she had cancer... Rumours flying around and then that video came out that the purple army uses in every one of their videos ("I was diagnosed... with chronic... lympnotic... lukemia") l0l. She claims she never faked shit but then refuses to give any evidence that she actually has cancer - her fault tbh, she coulda stopped this a long time ago.

Edit: Oh greeaat, we made it on Keemstar's drama alert. What an honour.


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