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Quick Prayer

PD Once again cleared by Ironmen

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Quick Prayer

Shoutout to @@Ballo for doing our dirty work for us. Go to 3:00 for a PD rank getting dropped for Serp helm while his buddies Telly away


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They gonna declare a war on the BB Brothers loooool

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Well done as ever champs, just what we like to see.


I'm in work and I can't get on to post topics I can only reply to recent ones so is anyone able to run through a bit of clan history for me? I hadn't been on since VH and HF were about so all this CP/PD etc. stuff is new to me, it's Pandemic I get that but why do they reckon they're relevant? Where did they come from? Why are they so in denial about how often they lose out?



Like, I've seen all over Reddit, Zybez and ingame they're shouting "V dropped GG haha" and then Vengeance just post a video showing them getting passed around like prison bog roll.



Who are the big clans, who's in them, how many do they pull, what type of clans are they? Aside from ROT who are the top of the mains clan scene, how is pure clanning, who do we have beef with? How did it start?



I'd love to see a history of clanning from the past year but I can't ask in the clan section yet!



Cheers, and keep lubricating the forums with the salty tears of PD

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I'm so sure Control and Hawz have tears in their eyes when they type this saying claiming to be #1 :lol: :lol:

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They are all embarrassing, every one of them! 


Well done @@Ballo its all ammo for us ;)

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well done @@Ballo


fin is still a retard tho

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C h o p Suey

Deserved lol

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Veng Speeeed

oh god

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Adam The Cat

n0t bad

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3:30 showed a main getting killed for v helm?

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lmao nice

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